To make it easier for you to understand the full range of features and to effectively answer your frequently asked questions, check out the Seabreeze VPN-Fast Navigator's Guide.
Our product is a VPN category product that allows you to browse what you want to browse when you are connected to a VPN, just turn on your internet connection and open the door to explore the world.
How to connect to VPN
We have 2 ways to connect to a VPN node
● We will intelligently recommend the preferred nodes for you, you just need to click "Rudder" on the home page, and you can start to connect to the VPN with one click; you can also see the connection dynamic effect when you click it.
● You can go to the server node page and select the node to connect.
How to disconnect from VPN
After successful connection, click "Rudder" to disconnect from VPN.
How to check your usage history
● You can view the current connection duration through the homepage.
● If you want to view all the time you have used the app, you can view your total time through the menu page and the history page.
How to check your current address
After successful connection, you can go to the map page to view your current VPN connection address.
Contact Us
If you have any doubts during the use of the app, you can send us an email through our email address, we will read your email and deal with it, the email address is: